Chapter 1: The Foam Catastrophe: Part 1
Posted on March 16, 2018 at 2:30 am by efinto
Chapter: Eagle vs. Evil
This comic is the first excerpt of a two part collection! This first strip illustrates how a normal day at the University of Mary Washington soon turns into a huge mess! Someone has put soap in the fountain, causing foam, water, and soap to overflow disrupting everyone’s day! Who could have done this? Sammy D. Evil, of course! Sammy D. Eagle comes to the rescue! How did this happen? Why did this happen? Stay tuned for next week!
Tags: catastrophe, chapter 1, Comic, eagle vs. evil, foam, fountain, graphic novel, panels, sammy d. eagle, sammy d. evil, soap, university of mary washington, webcomic
Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird!