Posts tagged sammy d. eagle
6 resultsChapter 6: The Truce
By efinto on April 4, 2018 at 2:33 am
Chapter: Eagle vs. Evil
Tags: brothers, chapter 6, eagle vs. evil, final, graphic novel, momma dukes eagle, sammy d. eagle, sammy d. evil, truce, webcomic
Chapter 5: The Brothers Reunite
By efinto on March 30, 2018 at 2:59 pm
Chapter: Eagle vs. Evil
Characters: Sammy D. Eagle, Sammy D. Evil
Tags: brothers, eagle vs. evil, fight, graphic novel, sammy d. eagle, sammy d. evil, webcomic
Chapter 4: An Unexpected Power Outage
By efinto on at 2:56 pm
Chapter: Eagle vs. Evil
Tags: eagle vs. evil, graphic novel, mascots, power outage, sammy d. eagle, sammy d. evil, UMW, webcomic
Chapter 3: A Great Day to be Evil
By efinto on March 23, 2018 at 2:35 am
Chapter: Eagle vs. Evil
Characters: Sammy D. Evil
Tags: chapter 3, eagle vs. evil, evil, graphic novel, sammy d. eagle, sammy d. evil, UMW, webcomic
Chapter 2: Separated at Birth: A Tale of Two Eagles
By efinto on at 2:17 am
Chapter: Eagle vs. Evil
Characters: Sammy D. Eagle, Sammy D. Evil
Tags: chapter 2, eagle vs. evil, graphic novel, sammy d. eagle, sammy d. evil, webcomic
Chapter 1: The Foam Catastrophe: Part 1
By efinto on March 16, 2018 at 2:30 am
Chapter: Eagle vs. Evil
Tags: catastrophe, chapter 1, Comic, eagle vs. evil, foam, fountain, graphic novel, panels, sammy d. eagle, sammy d. evil, soap, university of mary washington, webcomic